Frequently Asked Questions - Private Work
01 How Much Does a Good Criminal Solicitor Cost At The Police Station?
The First thing we have to tell you. You are entitled to free police station advice and assistance at the police station. This can be from a Duty Solicitor or from an Criminal Legal aid Provider. If you wish to instruct us on a Private basis we charge a fixed fee of £240 per police station attendance +Vat + Mileage + Disbursements. For complicated matters ( and we will tell you when a matter is complicated beforehand) we charge £500 per police station attendance + Vat + Mileage + Disbursements. You will receive a Client Care letter beforehand stating what we will undertake for you. You will need to sign it and put us in funds before we consider ourself instructed.
02 What's The Difference Between Instructing You Privately And Instructing A Duty Solicitor?
Simple Thing - Time spent on your case.
By instructing us privately to represent you at the police station, you are guaranteed to receive the best advice possible and unlike the duty solicitor on the day we will be able to 100% devote our time to your particular case. We have a vast amount of experience in representation at the police station and any criminal litigation that flows from it and therefore appreciate the pitfalls that may not ordinarily be obvious to the hard pressed duty solicitor on the day. If your intention is to then instruct us or Tuckers Solicitors in respect of criminal proceedings, then by instructing us for the police station representation, you can be rest assured, that the foundations in respect of the allegation you face are focused very much on a defence perspective; potentially making the difference between success and failure
03 Are you a Duty Solicitor?
Yes I am. It is through 25 years of solid Criminal legal aid work that I have obtained the skills, knowledge and experience to decide that I can offer my skills privately to cases that need extra attention. However if you instruct me privately I will 100% concentrate on your case on the day at the police station and guarantee you that you will be the sole focus of my attention. My goal is to obtain the best possible result for you,
04 Can I Instruct You As A Duty Solicitor?
Yes you can. Please note however due to time constraints imposed on all Criminal Legal Aid Providers by the Legal Aid Agency I am limited in what time I can devote to your matter at the police station and in any pre-attendance on you.
05 I Have Another Question Not Covered By This FAQ?
Please email me at
I will get back to you as soon as I can (The sign of a good lawyer is that there always busy!)